This is an original contemporary figurative painting of a square shape. It is an acrylic on canvas artwork with a light blue green background. As part of its composition, it has a man on the left, in hues of blue, almost merging with the background. In the center, and occupying majority of the canvas, is a beautiful young woman sitting in an artistic pose with her head bent on her knee. She is in bright vibrant colors like red, yellow, blues, and greens in a very balanced manner, making the painting very attractive. She is covered in horizontal and vertical lines which form my signature style of checks, covering her entire figure. Through this painting, I capture a moment when the woman is remembering her young lover who is depicted in the background. Remembrance 2, realistic art, art dealers near me, art painting on wall, affordable art

Remembrance 2


Shipping and Taxes Included

Material & Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Dimensions: 18 x 18 x 1 inches (W x H x D – unframed)
Year of make: 2021
Signature: Bottom left
Shipping Profile: In a Cardboard Box. Ready to Hang. (Stretched but Unframed) Shipped in approx. 3 working days via a reliable and tracked courier.

Certificate of Authenticity: Included

Availability: In stock

About my painting Titled: Remembrance 2

If you have ever looked at a piece of art and felt it pulling at your heartstrings, you aren’t alone. Art is as much about emotions as it is about aesthetic appeal. These vibrant echoes of the artist’s emotions that leap forth from the canvas form the essence of my original acrylic painting titled ‘Remembrance 2’.

It is a story penned in strokes of color, enveloped in an emotional journey, waiting to be explored and admired. You’re gonna wish you had more walls to hang this on, trust me.

A Contemporary Figurative Painting That Commands Attention

Ah! The beauty of visual narration through contemporary figurative art. Just like biting into a tangy lemon tart, that first look garners a burst of fresh distinctiveness unlike anything else. Squarish in shape, my painting called ‘Remembrance 2’ exudes such an allure.

With a canvas bathed in shades of a calming light blue-green background, similar to a tranquil lagoon, the painting makes a bold statement. Quite the room’s centerpiece, wouldn’t you say?

Subtle Blues and Vibrant Hues: A Masterful Composition

Now let’s dive into the composition. Picture a man, someone who almost blends into the background, much like a whisper of a memory. He is silently wrapped in hues of blue, as if a specter from the past trying to mingle with the present. He stands on the left of the painting, as the woman’s past, perhaps?

But hold on, my love for color and the vitality of life takes center stage – literally!

The canvas is lavishly adorned by the figure of a beautiful young woman striking an artistically captivating pose. Her head is bent forward on her knee, a meditative reflection. She isn’t just dressed in colors; she is an effusion of bright, vibrant hues like red, yellow, blues, and greens, intertwined harmoniously.

My signature painting style is the use of checks, a distinctive grid of horizontal and vertical lines that covers her figure, offering an intricate complexity. This geometric styling adds a unique, almost surreal flair to the painting. Isn’t art all about pushing boundaries and thinking outside the box? You bet!

Remembrance 2: Capturing A Moment of Sweet Longing

The painting ‘Remembrance’ is more than just colors and patterns. It seeks to capture an intimate moment of longing, a brushstroke representation of the lady reminiscing about her young lover.

The man and the woman, two distinct elements and their intricate relationship; that’s your dynamic duo right there!

Painting Ownership: Hang This Original Acrylic Masterpiece on Your Wall

Art ownership isn’t just for the high-brow Van Gogh enthusiasts, oh no! It’s about finding that piece that speaks to you, one that holds a mirror to your emotions and experiences. And let’s face it, don’t we all have past memories imprinted in our minds that we often pull out to reminisce?

If you’re nodding your head (I see you!), ‘Remembrance 2’ might be just the piece of art for you.

I’m Sonaly Gandhi, an international artist, presenting you this original acrylic on canvas painting from the series ‘We Two Together’. Why not infuse your living space with this piece of visual storytelling and bring a splash of color to your wall? And guess what, it comes with free shipping – talk about a win-win!

The beauty of ‘Remembrance 2’ is not only in its vivid spectacle but also in its relatability. It’s an affordable piece of art that tells a story – your story perhaps or the story you desire. Here’s a chance for you to invest in realistic art, you’ll love.

So the next time you search for ‘art dealers near me’, wouldn’t it be so much cooler to flash a smile at the onlooker and proudly point at ‘Remembrance’ on your wall, proclaiming it as yours? Not just any painting, but a journey strewn with emotions and memories, beautifully framed and displayed.

Remembrance is an original, vibrant spectacle that resonates with stories untold and feelings unspoken. It’s a story in color, waiting for you to read and interpret. A beautiful painting that can adorn your wall, becoming a talking point, a space of inspiration.

Hang this affordable piece of artwork on your wall and let ‘Remembrance 2’ add an alluring charm to your abode. You’ll bring home not just art, but also a piece of raw emotion captured on canvas, and wouldn’t that be something?


About my Series : “We Two Together”:

“Painting is another way of keeping a Diary” Pablo Picasso. The quote by Pablo Picasso holds immense influence over my figurative paintings. In today’s digital age, where information is readily available at the click of a button, our lives and relationships have undergone a significant transformation. The pages of my life’s diary are filled with experiences of evolving relationships, which I strive to portray through my artwork.

Motivated to stay in stride with the changing world, my artistic focus primarily revolves around the contemporary woman of today. This modern-day woman is a symbol of versatility, fuelled by independence and self-attained equilibrium. She is complete, flawless, and self-sufficient in every aspect and challenge that life presents. Free from the constraints that hold her back, she has the power to realize her true self.

By consistently simplifying the form, I have crafted a universal, absolute figure that represents and relates to all women, irrespective of their differences and peculiarities. The protagonists in my artworks transcend boundaries and divisions, uniting and amalgamating all women through a shared, common soul. This interconnectedness brings women together as a collective force.

Rendered in a controlled and mature color palette, the strong, modern women in my paintings make no attempt to hide or shy away. I consciously choose to refrain from incorporating ornamental accessories and excessive details. This intentional ambiguity enhances the universal appeal of the form, making it relatable to women from all walks of life.

Within my paintings, women are depicted willingly surrendering themselves to boundless affection in some instances, while in others, they emotionally detach themselves from relationships devoid of respect and freedom. Regardless of their choices regarding relationships, these women excel at refraining from pretence and superficial living. Their authenticity shines through their actions.

Fundamentally believing in the equality of gender, I recognize that men and women are integral parts of each other’s lives. However, it remains a well-known fact that women have been historically deprived of their rights and, most importantly, their respect. As a woman myself, I have always strived to give women the importance they truly deserve. Therefore, they take center stage and occupy the most prominent positions in my artworks.

To symbolize the pursuit of perfection within the modern human race, I employ symmetrical forms like squares, rectangles, checks, and butterflies to cover the human figures in my paintings. These geometric shapes represent the desire for flawlessness and balance, encapsulating the aspirations and struggles we all face as individuals striving for fulfillment.

In each stroke of my brush, I aim to create a vivid portrayal of the contemporary woman – powerful, resilient, and unapologetically herself. Through my figurative paintings, I hope to evoke emotions, challenge norms, and ignite a dialogue that encapsulates the essence of being a woman in the present era.

Remembrance 2, realistic art, art dealers near me, art painting on wall, affordable art


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