This is an original contemporary figurative painting of a rectangular shape. It is an acrylic on canvas artwork titled "Lady and Cat" with a blue-grey background. In this composition, I have captured a scene that showcases the beautiful bond between a young woman and her beloved pet cat. The pet cat, the mischievous protagonist, engages in delightful play with a woolen ball, boots and dice. The artwork is composed in a very balanced manner, making the painting very attractive. The entire composition is in hues of black and white and a touch of red to make a perfectly balanced and attractive painting. The female figure is covered in checks which form my signature style of symetric shapes. Through this painting, I capture a moment of deep love and affection between the lady and her cat which is depicted by the loving eye contact between the two. This artwork is from my figurative series called "Shades of Love" through which I aim to portray the enduring bond between humans and their cherished animal companions. Lady and Cat, large black and white wall art, artwork web, contemporary art, buy original art online Enjoy free shipping on all orders, and bring a piece of lovely collectible art home today.

Lady and Cat


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Material & Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Dimensions: 48 x 36 x 1 inches (W x H x D – unframed)
Year of make: 2016
Signature: Bottom left
Shipping Profile: In a Roll (Unstretched and Unframed) Shipped in approx. 3 working days via a reliable and tracked courier.

Certificate of Authenticity: Included


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About my painting titled “Lady and Cat”

In this composition, I have captured a scene that showcases the beautiful bond between a young woman and her beloved pet cat.

The pet cat, the mischievous protagonist, engages in delightful play with a woolen ball, boots and dice. This simple yet captivating object sparks the feline’s playful instincts, showcasing its curious and agile nature.

The painting symbolizes the unbreakable bond between the woman and her pet, elevating them to the status of a loving family. It portrays the pet as an integral part of their shared love story, transcending the boundaries of species. This visual representation of kinship emphasizes the importance of love, companionship, and support within a family unit.

In my painting of a loving woman and her pet cat, I have strived to capture a moment that exudes the essence of pure love and togetherness. This art piece encapsulates the harmonious bond shared by the young woman and their playful feline companion. As viewers, we are invited to be a part of this intimate scene, plunging into a world where love knows no boundaries

I use hues of black, white, grey, red, and blue to harmonize the composition and give the viewer a feeling of love, happiness, and positivity as they gaze upon my painting.

To symbolize the pursuit of perfection within the modern human race, I use my signature style of symmetrical forms like squares, rectangles, checks, and butterflies to cover the human figures in my paintings. These geometric shapes represent the desire for flawlessness and balance, encapsulating the aspirations and struggles we all face as individuals striving for fulfillment.

About my series titled “Shades of Love”

Love is a universal language spoken not just by humans but every living being. Feeling loved and giving love is the essence of life and one cannot live a meaningful and fulfilling life without it. It is a beautiful emotion which is an intense, deep affection for another.

In my series “Shades of Love,” I portray the love that humans share among themselves and their dear pet animals. These little ones are as much a part of their family as their own kith and kin. There is a deep bond that forms between humans and their pets, built on trust, loyalty, and unconditional love. Through my paintings, I aim to capture the various shades of love that exist in these relationships, showcasing the beauty and essence of this profound emotion.

Love Beyond Human Connections

Love has no boundaries, and it extends far beyond the realm of human connections. It is not limited to romantic relationships or familial ties but encompasses all beings. Animals also experience love and display affection towards their fellow beings and even humans. Some may argue that it is an instinctive behavior, but it goes much deeper than that. Animals are capable of forming emotional bonds, showing empathy, and exhibiting acts of love.

The Many Colors of Love

Love has so many different colors, each representing a unique aspect of this powerful emotion. Just as an artist chooses different shades to evoke specific feelings, individuals also have the freedom to explore and choose their favorite hues of love. Whether it’s the passionate red of romantic love, the comforting blue of familial love, the selfless yellow of unconditional love, or the tender green of platonic love, love comes in various forms and intensities.

Love in Human Relationships

In human relationships, love takes on countless forms and depths. Romantic love, the kind that makes our hearts flutter and our souls soar, is often portrayed as the epitome of love. It is filled with desire, passion, and an intoxicating sense of connection. However, love goes beyond just romantic entanglements. The love between parents and children is a bond that surpasses all understanding, filled with immense care, guidance, and protection. Siblings share a unique love, forged through shared experiences, support, and camaraderie.

The Love between Humans and Animals

In my series “Shades of Love,” I pay homage to the deep affection shared between humans and their pets. These furry companions bring so much joy, comfort, and companionship into our lives. The unconditional love they offer is truly heartwarming. From a wagging tail or a gentle purr to the comforting presence during tough times, pets have a remarkable ability to understand and provide solace, making them an integral part of our families.

Celebrating Love in Art

Art has always been a medium through which emotions are expressed and celebrated. Through my paintings, I strive to capture the essence of love, showcasing the depth and beauty of this emotion. Each stroke of the brush, each color carefully chosen, and each detail meticulously added, all come together to express the intricacies of love. By celebrating love in art, I hope to evoke emotions and touch the hearts of those who view my paintings.


Love is a universal language, transcending boundaries and connecting hearts. In my series “Shades of Love,” I aim to portray the different shades of love that exist in human relationships and the love that we share with our beloved pets. Through the power of art, I hope to evoke emotions and remind everyone of the importance of love in our lives. Love is an ever-present force that brings happiness, fulfillment, and a sense of belonging. Let us celebrate and cherish the beautiful emotion of love, embracing its various colors and finding our own shade to live a truly happy life.

Lady and Cat, large black and white wall art, artwork web, contemporary art, buy original art online


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